Archives for the month of: July, 2014

I told you #bitcheslovebeaniebabies #blogher14 #mcdblogher14 #mcblogher14

A group of rabid #bloggers did not approve of the #grammar in the port a potty at #mcdblogher14 #blogher14 #portapottygrammar #ohnoshedidnt #ohyesshedid #dontstealthebeaniebabies

Rev Run rocked the house #whoshouse #runshouse #blogher14

Well, checked "See #RevRun scratch on the 1s and 2s" off the middle school bucket list #rundmc #whoshouse @revwon #blogher14

#AriannaHuffington being interviewed by #GuyKawasaki on thriving, sleeping your way to the top and the future of social web #blogher14 (sleep meaning REST, you dirty birdies)