Archives for the month of: January, 2018

What a fun evening celebrating Max's birthday!! Mastering an #escaperoom followed by the traditional dinner at Matta's Thanks to all our friends who came out to join the celebration. Max I love you so completely and am thankful I get you as my partner on this wild ride we're about to embark on!
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Tasty #proteinpancake with #almonds and #blueberries, topped with some #waldenfarms syrup! It's been awhile since I've made #proteinpancakes, I forgot how yummy they are
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Makeup and a shower and clean hair and clean clothes ON THE SAME DAY?! Who am I???
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Changed it up a little. Moved the #vintage #hermanmiller table and #eameschairs and turned this into a #breakfastnook. Thoughts???……#homedecor #midcentury #midcenturymodern #midmod #midcenturymodernfurniture #hermanmillertable #eameschair #sunburstclock #starburstclock
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