Archives for category: life

This week was a bit challenging, I’ll guess from pushing myself so hard the week before. I made it to the gym 5 days this week, which is not as good as last week but still WAY better than I had been doing previously. If an “off week” is only going 5 days, I’ll take it! I have just learned to listen to my body and rest when I need rest. I’m too old to push it like a crazy person- that is when shit starts to hurt and that puts me out of commission for even longer.

Funny thing is, even with taking things lighter I’ve had great losses this week. I’ve kept my diet pretty on point and I am down 3 pounds below my plateau weight!

Lessons learned this week:

1. I have to keep my calories up. If I get busy, I tend to skip a meal. When your coach has you on 1200 calories, you can’t afford to miss any food. This happened badly yesterday and I ended up light headed and almost having a mental breakdown in Sprouts. A Xanax and a protein shake later, I was good to go. It was still a pretty bad scene that I’d like to avoid in the future.

2. Water, water, water, water, water and water. Oh, and some more water. Fuck me, drinking a gallon water a day is like a second job. I feel like if I’m holding still, I should be drinking water. Good thing being in outside sales has given me an intimate knowledge of all the well kept public bathrooms in the East Valley.

3. Time management is still an issue. Haven’t quite gotten a handle on it. But I will.

4. If you want to get up at 5AM, you better be ready to go to bed no later than 10PM. Or you’ll feel like puking all day, or need a nap. Thems the breaks.

5. I feel like I live in workout clothes. Because of this, I shall reward myself a shopping trip to lululemon when I reach my next weight goal.

6. Cardio on machines is fucking boring. Unfortunately it’s one of my only options when it’s 100 degrees outside, there’s no fun class to take and there’s no Crossfit classes until Monday. Documentaries and shows on my fancy Kindle Fire HD have made this bearable. Thanks mom (awesome Christmas prezzy).

molly working out

I do. I miss Ben. I don’t miss being with him, I don’t miss my relationship with him or anything like that. I just miss him existing. It hurts that he is dead. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.

jane wurwand 2

As a wide eyed aesthetics school undergraduate, Jane was that lady on the waxing videos. She had an unmistakable look, rail thin and choppy short hair. I loved her accent, and I was amazed with how she made a Brazilian wax look effortless. Over the years I’d hear about her, learned more about who she was and what she had done for our industry. To many of us aestheticians, she was (and is) quite the celebrity.

Flash forward many years to tonight, and I sit on my couch pouring over notes from her lecture yesterday. Much of my week was spent in the same room as Jane. Never really thought I’d be able to say that. Speaking with her personally and listening, captivated as she addressed our group. I can feel drained or burned out, or question my choice of path- but she never fails to reignite that excitement and remind me why exactly I am where I am today. I laugh at myself for it every time, but I am three for three in getting choked up during her presentations.

I frantically scribbled notes as she addressed a room of myself and about 100 of my coworkers- just a fraction of the people who have made a living (a comfortable one, I might add) due to her vision.

I want to share a few of the gems I pulled away from her talk, while they don’t capture much more than a few highlights, I want to be able to look back on these when I’m needing a little inspiration.

Take it as a given that every line has incredible products. If your products aren’t transformational, then what are you even doing??

This was particularly profound to me. It’s so easy to get in this habit of focusing on the “MY cleanser is better than THEIR cleanser!” mentality. We live in an incredibly scientifically advanced landscape- you better believe that WE have great products and SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE. This is NOT what we should be focusing on- what do we have to offer beyond that? Why are we doing what we do every single day?

You BUILD a clientele- you don’t GET one. You BUILD them one at a time, like bricks.

She said it takes an average of five points of contact before a client begins to have a sense of loyalty. It’s not an instantaneous process, and how are professional skin therapists getting those five points? Face to face? An email? A card? A phone call? A rebooked service?

It takes 268 clients to be fully booked with just skin treatments, working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.

It’s interesting to see that quantified, right? 268. That’s not a small number. Her next bit was where those numbers really became impactful…

If you are relying solely on services you have a flawed business model. You have capped your income. You can not add more hours in the day.

SO TRUE. I wish more people would understand the impact that retailing products can have on their business. You can only work so many hours in a day. You could do 6 skin treatments in an 8 hour day at $65 each and make $390. Conversely, you could do 3 skin treatments in about 4 hours at $65 each and sell two pieces of retail to each client. Same amount of money for half the work and half the time? Sounds awesome. Or maybe you’d still want to do 6 treatments and make around $800 a day instead? Why cap yourself? Don’t even get me started on why else you’d want to make sure your clients are on professional home care, it should be obvious. To me, it’s absurd that retail is not one of the highest priorities for more business owners. It ties into the concept of passive income- why not work smarter, not harder?

People do not buy what you do. They buy- and love- why you do it.

Why do I do what I do? I love making people feel good about themselves. I love helping people become successful. I love skincare. I love teaching, and seeing people have those “aha” moments when a piece of knowledge clicks. I love learning about ingredients and science. I love people and building relationships. I love it when people love me. For ME, this is why I do what I do. Why do you do what you do?

Our destruction or success will come from within.

That one was actually from Jane’s husband Raymond. Still spot on. I know I personally have so much support and so many tools to be successful- in LIFE, not just at work. What am I choosing to do with that? This is something I’ll be personally examining a lot closer this year. Remember, 2013 is my year. My year of making things happen :)


Okay, I had to post this video blog because it made me laugh. Note my significant reduction in enthusiasm after the braces are on…

The braces are on my face. After making the decision this summer, it’s been a long road of saving money and dental visits to get like seven fillings to prepare. But they’re finally here. The excitement has tapered precipitously, and it’s been an annoying 24 hours of yogurt, soup and protein shakes. So far they’re uncomfortable but not unbearable. It’s a dull ache that is increased when I bite down. The bottom row isn’t on yet, and that comes in about five weeks. I’d almost rather have them all on at once and get over it, but I took their suggestion and am waiting it out, as apparently the bottom row is a bit more uncomfortable. Yay.

Wax has been a saving grace, and oatmeal is less braces-friendly than you’d imagine.

I’ve brushed my teeth no less than 14,762 times since yesterday.

I’ve been taking advil like a crazy person, which I’m sure my gastrointernologist would be super annoyed about, and I’ll likely pay for in awful heartburn later.

More updates as this gets more interesting.