Archives for the month of: February, 2017

Having so much fun with our new #prynt case! @deenaebbert you spoil us!!! Also: my husband is hot
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The power of Facebook! I posted looking for help pruning my #katyapricot tree, and two of the most amazing valley garden gurus- @jakemacetaichi and Greg Peterson from #theurbanfarm- came to my rescue!! They filmed it for Jake's YouTube channel and I'm so excited to see how it comes out! They taught me so much so quickly. I love #tempe and its strong #gardening community ️
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Looks like citrus blossom season is just around the corner My #meyerlemontree is getting ready to bloom! Maybe this year I'll even get a lemon or two 🍋
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You've got me in a box, @fueledbypez #sorryhusband #helovesmeanyway #goodthingimcute
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#Flashback to last week, celebrating my love's birthday at a beautiful winery in Northern California ️
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