Archives for the month of: July, 2018

Succulent garden at sunset
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When your Canadian colleagues come in clutch 🏻 🇨🇦
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I guess I haven’t shown my face in awhile! This last week I haven’t been running at full capacity- I had a nasty ear infection that had been nagging me since pregnancy. I finally went to an ENT and got put on prednisone which is never fun unless you enjoy swelling up like a dang balloon Starting to feel much better though!! And can hear out of my left ear for the first time in almost a year Halfway done with our weekend class and looking forward to my reunion with my two favorite guys tomorrow ️
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See you on Sunday sweet baby
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Put a #barbell in my hands today for the first time in a year. Felt so good ️ #CrossFit #girlsthatlift #postbabyfitness #mamasgettinghergrooveback
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