Archives for category: pretty things

My own form of silent protest, my dissent and an homage to one of my favorite women in history. #notoriousrbg #vote #dissentcollar #strongwomen
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Headed home to see my baby bat/monkey/pumpkin! Sad I missed Halloween but maybe I’ll have round two just for fun ️️️ Clearly 3 costumes because we couldn’t decide
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Sometimes having a travel job means seeing the world and visiting amazing places and doing exciting things. Flying around and staying in fancy resorts free on points. Being treated well by virtue of high status on loyalty programs. Other times it means late night flights, traffic jams in unfamiliar places or hardly any sleep before a 6am call time. It means sacrificing existing friendships and struggling to make new ones, being unable to nurture those new friendships to get anywhere past arms distance simply by lack of availability. It means being separated from the people you love most. Sometimes it means being away on special times and missing important occasions and milestones. Today was particularly hard, I cried a lot. But I checked into my hotel and got a little reminder that I am able to do what I love because of my incredible support system. Thank you @fueledbypez for knowing me and loving me and being my best friend ️ I couldn’t do it without you.
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#carselfie #latergram because I surely didn’t look like that today
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You know, I’ve always wanted a child. And now I think I’ll have one. On toast!! # #happyhalloween #hocuspocus #popupphotoshop #madewithlovemarket #atreyumcmillan
pretty pictures