Archives for the month of: May, 2012

It was scary at first! Freshly bleached hair, then after it was toned. *phew*

Someone is ombré for summer! First time I've lightened my hair over 6 years. I love it!

Tucson day tomorrow, then a three day weekend. Srsly, can’t come soon enough. I’ve been playing catch up from having so much time off work, it’s been a lot harder than I thought it would be. Plus, I’m still not totally operating at 100% quite yet. I get extremely tired by about 5:00, so much so that I get home from work, sit on the couch and literally lean over and nap for like an hour. I’m still sore, but improving slowly but surely. I am feeling turbo fat though, so I am anxiously awaiting my doctor’s thumbs up for working out. My clothes still fit okay, I just hate being so sedentary. I go for walks but even that’s getting tiring since it’s so hot out. Soon! I have to remember it hasn’t even been two weeks yet. I have been thinking about starting CrossFit when doc clears me, and the guy looking at my car today just happened to be a CrossFit coach. I’m pretty sure it was a sign from the universe. Especially because his name was Tupac.

Oh, and this Memorial day (appropriately enough) is the 20 year anniversary of my father’s death. It’s really strange thinking that it was that long ago. My mom was my age, and with a 9 year old and a 10 month old baby. I can’t even wrap my brain around what that must have been like. I mean, I was a wreck after losing my ex husband. It hurts my heart even thinking about what it must be like losing a husband that you are happily married to. It was no picnic losing a dad, but I have to imagine what she went through was so much worse. I am thankful for how strong my mom was through it all, and how wonderful and supportive our family was. Plus, all those hardships led us to having my step dad in our life, and I can’t imagine not having him around. Silver linings, right?

On a lighter note, I have so much to look forward to this weekend! Phoenix Comicon, picking peaches at Agritopia, a wedding… PLUS a three day weekend. Expect lots of interesting photos.


Is this cat for real? "OH HAI. MAH BELLY. LET ME SHOW YOU IT."

Papaya, apricots and cottage cheese. Summer!