Archives for the month of: April, 2016

Spectacular views from my hotel room… #Detroit #itssocoldintheD
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All mic'ed up and ready to rock! Presented for a solid 7 hours today… This was a big professional win for me. There is a lot that goes into being a trainer, and more so a successful and engaging public speaker. It really is where my heart and passion lie- being able to captivate a room and discuss complex technical topics and keep ahold of everyone's attention is no easy feat. I was a bit stressed going into today's event as this was a new format and I had a ton of guests watching from my company's corporate headquarters but it came out as one of my best to date in my opinion. I watched my pacing closely, I pulled interaction from the crowd, I kept my speech disfluency and verbal fillers to an all-time minimum and most of my dumb jokes went over pretty well That said I am EXHAUSTED! Thanks for the hospitality, Michigan!!
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Thanks for the drop-in @frictioncrossfit! Such a friendly group, they cheered me on as I brought up the rear Pretty sure I inhaled some dirt or a bug or something during the warm up and I still am coughing like two hours later… Needless to say it wasn't my best performance! Oh well, had a good ass kicking regardless 🏻 #crossfittravel #crossfit #wodlove #crossfitgirls #dropinwod #crossfitdropin #healthytravel #fittravel #fitforfiji #operationleanout
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Stripes on stripes on stripes
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The best part about connecting in #Miami also: I have zero self control when it comes to Cuban food #cafeconleche #empanada #cafeversailles
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