Archives for the day of: May 25, 2016

Cottage cheese and berries Almost two weeks without sugar (except fruit, obvs) and I'm feeling good. I've cut out most artificial sweeteners but am still enjoying a Redbull Zero here and there. Overall I'm feeling good, no real cravings or headaches or anything like that. My average daily grams of sugar have went from 60-70 down to around 25, mostly coming from low GI fruit and some organic dairy. I'm noticing fewer crashes from having less insulin spikes, so that's nice. I have to thank @foundmyfitness for her podcasts that remind me of what is happening on a cellular and epigenetic level when we consume various foods! It's worth noting that I don't really demonize sugar- if you balance out your overall caloric intake. I just know that for me, it triggers binge eating and I have no self control with it. I've accepted I'm a sugar addict and I have to treat it as a drug. I have tried moderation for a long time and it never works out for me, so here we are
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#arizonasunsets are no joke, people
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Underwater #geekpro HD video camera that fits in my hand. Remember when video cameras were like $1000 and the size of your head? This was like 80 bucks on Amazon. Mind blown. Can't wait to take some #snorkeling videos in the South Pacific
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I guess you could say I'm getting pretty excited for #Fiji
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Delicious grilled veggie salad thanks to some leftovers from last night Also, I prepped a big batch of lentils last week and they keep really well. I have been putting them in everything. They're so packed full of fiber and protein. Happy to be home all this week and able to cook ️
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