Archives for the day of: December 7, 2014

Post race shot with the girls (and some giant marshmallows ) #hotchocolate5k #5k #fitfam #fitspo #fitness #azrunners #scottsdale #willrunforchocolate
pretty pictures

I DID IT!!!!! I finally got my 5k time under 40 min! I finished the #hotchocolate5k in 38:27!!! That might sound slow to some of you, but I literally remember the first time as an adult I tried to run. I was winded and had to walk after 30 seconds. Running at all let alone in a race seemed completely impossible and today I finished my 13th #5k with my best time beating my previous record by 2min 15 sec. If you set your mind to a goal there is NO LIMIT to what you can do I promise you that! I did not grow up fit or athletic, I was an overweight teen and young adult. It wasn't until I was nearly 30 that I decided to make a change and I am so thankful I did. Sorry for the sappy post, I am just so excited I finally hit this goal after years of pushing for it! #fitfam #fitspo #azrunners #goaldigger #youcandoit #crushit
pretty pictures