Archives for the day of: September 2, 2015

A little #ringporn in honor of the #amoragem no longer being illegal to ship to the United States! We made a conscious choice to not get a diamond for ethical reasons, but even that aside- I don't consider the #amora to be a diamond simulant. It is it's very own unique stone- and technically over one million times rarer than a diamond. It out performs diamond in every measure and doesn't cast yellow or green like a #moissanite. To me, it's the perfect stone but maybe I'm biased
pretty pictures

One of the best #cappuccinos I've had out of Italy… Well done, Howling Hounds coffee! I always appreciate these small, local coffeehouses that have good wifi and a quiet atmosphere so I can get some work done on the road. Not to mention awesome art all around helps get those creative juices flowing! ️
pretty pictures