Archives for the day of: August 25, 2013

Feeling awesome after a butt-kicking workout today! Just what I needed to get my head back in the game :)

The boys of #bootcamp showing off their athletic prowess (or just goofing off, not sure)

Blueberry #ProteinPancakes! 1/3 cup oats, 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 2/3 scoop protein powder (I used #cellucor peanut butter marshmallow), 1 packet stevia, 1/2 tsp baking powder, cinnamon to taste. Blend (#magicbullet is great for this), pour onto a hot skillet and drop blueberries evenly across the pancake. Flip when bubbles form :) #healthybreakfast #fitfam #fitfoods #fitness #cleaneating #eatclean #eatforabs #fitwomencook