Archives for the month of: April, 2018

I've made it a point in my life to surround myself with people I admire, and who inspire me to be my best self. Jenny has been exactly that- rising to the top as a leader in every sense of the word even back when we first met in college nearly 15 years ago. I'm grateful to have her as my best friend, a professional colleague and someone I can always turn to for solid advice and guidance. Thank you for always being there for me, talking me through my pregnancy, guiding me in business, helping me with my sweet baby and always having two feet on the ground and your beautiful head in the clouds- aiming for greatness! I love you! #seneprism2018 #senegenceseminar2018
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#dealwithit 😎#atreyumcmillan
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Second trip- #atreyumcmillan did great again! Not quite as sleepy as last time but he did very well. A little fussy on the first leg to dallas but he snoozed the whole way to Tulsa. What a trooper!! #seneprism2018 #infanttravel #travelingwithanewborn
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I got to watch #atreyumillan discover his fingers in the mirror. He slowly and deliberately opened and closed his hand while watching his reflection intently, then smiling. I've heard watching your kids experience things for the first time is amazing, and it really is was.
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Max bought a label maker
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