#legday! And probably the best workout I've had in ages. I'm lifting heavier than ever and it feels so goooood! 5 min stepmill warmup3 sets 12 leg press machine, feet high on the plate3 sets 12 laying ham curl3 sets 15 (each leg) split squats 15 jumping lunges between each set3 sets 15 plié squats (heels raised on a weight plate)15 jump squats in between sets3 sets 20 weighted glute bridges Kept my heart rate up the whole time by mixing the #plyo between sets because it's late and I didn't want to be on a cardio machine after.Trying to make my new gym in #Tempe feel like home... Not feeling it yet though unfortch :P The layout is frustrating and there's no glute kickback machine. Sigh.