Archives for the month of: September, 2014

My #proteinoatmeal game was strong today... Threw together some #pumpkinoats and they were on point  I weighed my #reddiwhip and had a little portion size reality check unfortunately  so here's the #recipe and #macros WITHOUT my accidental 3 servings of whip cream:1/2 cup oatmeal (I used caramel oats from @myoatmeal, obvi) 1/4 cup (50g) #pumpkin purée 3/4 cup egg whites1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk1/3 scoop protein powder (I used @cellucor #cinnamonswirl)1tsp pumpkin pie spice7g crumbled pecans for garnish and #healthyfats35P, 34C, 11F, 7g Fiber

What an amazing experience! Thanks to a little #DNA test I got to meet one of my cousins on my biological father's side. So surreal that we have led such parallel lives in Alaska. I had met her briefly at age 16 not knowing we were related! Talk about surreal. Again, if you're considering #dnatesting- DO IT. You never know who's journey you will help ️ #familytreedna #23andme

Picked grandma a bouquet of flowers from the #garden to perk up her room. Sad she can't go outside anymore  We'll just bring the outside to her then

Mom and grandma #selfie... Then grandmas face after she saw it ️

#throwback to my birthday 3 years ago (I think?) at the #cupcakelovein. Missing my @fueledbypez