Archives for the day of: October 24, 2013

Working late at an physician event in Peoria tonight means getting to break in my new #6packbag I got at #europaphoenix! So much easier than trying to find healthy food options on the go (not to mention cheaper). Fail to plan, plan to fail! #mealprep @6packbags

Why do I work out?? At first it was to lose weight- which was totally fair. I was pretty overweight. Not like health risk overweight, but clothes not fitting, getting winded easily, no energy, sluggish kind of overweight. That has changed though. My motivation now is how it makes me feel. The rush of pushing your body to do things it couldn't previously. Checking off accomplishments and goals. Sprinting 400m faster than ever. Being able to finish a #WOD or run without stopping. Picking up a weight that is double what it was when you started. Looks have become secondary to how it makes me feel and pushing my body to its limits. This is how I know I'm beyond diet and exercise, and have embraced it as a lifestyle.

I love being up to see the #sunrise